Above Top Secret
Above Top Secret is the title of a nonfiction ufology book by Timothy Good. First published in 1987, it focuses primarily on the modern era of ufology and how government agencies during this time kept information about UFOs secret from the general public.

The title was inspired by the work of Peter Gersten, the legal representative for Citizens Against UFO Secrecy ( CAUS ), who in 1980 sued the National Security Agency ( NSA ) under the Freedom Of Information Act ( FOIA) for the disclosure of 135 documents relating to UFOs. The NSA refused to disclose the documents and defended its position by submitting a 21 page affidavit claiming Exemptions 1 & 3 of the FOIA. The affidavit was examined in-camera by a Judge Gesell who ruled in favor of the NSA. Timothy Good goes on to say that, "The in-camera affidavit was itself classified at a level above top secret - Top Secret Umbra, the highest classification for SIGINT documents at the time."

This book illustrates beyond all reasonable doubt that there has been a worldwide UFO cover-up, and it remains one of the best non-fiction UFO exposés ever written. Timothy Good also published a revised and updated sequel in 1996 titled Beyond Top Secret, in which he elaborates further on national security breaches associated with UFO sightings. All of Timothy Good's books make excellent additions to any UFO library.