Acronym | Long Form |
ACOM | Alien COMmunications. |
AFB | Air Force Base. |
AFOSR | Air Force Office of Scientific Reasearch ( USAF ) |
APRO | Aerial Phenomena Research Organization |
ATRANS | Alien TRANSport |
ATECH | Alien TECHnology. |
ATIC | Air Technical Intelligence Center ( USAF ) |
CAUS | Citizens Against UFO Secrecy. |
CIA | Central Intelligence Agency. |
COMINT | COMmunications INTelligence. |
COMSEC | COMmunications SECurity. |
CSICOP | Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal |
CSS | Central Security Service ( USA ) |
CUFOS | Center for UFO Studies |
DDO | Deputy Director of Operations ( USA ) |
DDI | Deputy Director of Information Systems Security ( USA ) |
DDT | Deputy Director of Technology ( USA ) |
DIRNSA | DIRector of the NSA and Chief of the CSS ( USA ) |
DoD | Department of Defense. |
EDH | Extradimensional Hypothesis. |
ELINT | ELectronic INTelligence. |
ELT | Executive Leadership Team of the DIRNSA. |
ETH | ExtraTerrestrial Hypothesis or ExtraTemporal Hypothesis |
FOIA | Freedom Of Information Act ( USA ) |
FTD | ForeignTechnology Division ( USA ) |
FTL | Faster Than LLight |
HPSCI | House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence ( USA ) |
ICBM | InterContinental Ballistic Missile. |
INFOSEC | INFOrmation Systems SECurity. |
IOB | Intelligence Oversight Board of the the President ( USA ) |
JCS | Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States. |
LASER | Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. |
MEPP | Mathematics Education Partnership Program ( USA ) |
MIB | Men In Black ( ufology ) |
NACA | National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics ( USA ) |
NARA | National Archives and Records Administration ( USA ) |
NASA | National Aeronautics & Space Administration ( USA ) |
NRAO | National Radio Astronomy Observatory ( USA ) |
NSA | National Security Agency ( USA ) |
NSC | National Security Council ( USA ) |
NSCID | National Security Council Intelligence Directive ( USA ) |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget of the President ( USA ) |
OPSEC | OPerations SECurity ( USA ) |
OSI | Office of Scientific Intelligence ( USA ) |
RADAR | RAdio Detection And Ranging |
RAF | Royal Air Force ( UK ) |
RCAF | Royal Canadian Air Force |
SDI | Strategic Defense Initiative ( USA ) |
SECDEF | SECretary of DEFense for the The United States. |
SETI | Search For ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence. |
SIGINT | SIGnals INTelligence. |
SSCI | Senate Select Committee on Intelligence ( USA ) |
SST | SuperSonic Transport. |
STT | SecretTerrestrial Technology. |
UAO | UnidentifiedAerial Object. |
UFO | Unidentified Flying Object. |
UFOB | Unidentified Flying OBject. |
USA | United States Army or United States of America |
USAAF | United States Army Air Force. |
USAF | United States Air Force. |
USGS | United States Geological Survey |
USI | Ufology Society International. |
USMC | United States Marines Corps. |
USN | United States Navy. |
USSR | Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. |
VLA | Very Large Array radio telescope ( USA ) |