Acronym for Citizens Against UFO Secrecy. CAUS was founded by Peter A. Gersten, Todd Zechel and Brad Sparks during the late 1970s in Arizona USA.

CAUS believes that this planet, and the people on it, are interacting and in contact with a non-human form of intelligence and is against any and all secrecy surrounding, involving and relating to this contact. CAUS also believes that the people have an absolute and unconditional right to know about such contact and that through the judicial process the secrecy surrounding alien visitation ended.

In 1980, Peter Gersten, the legal representative for CAUS sued the National Security Agency ( NSA ) under the Freedom Of Information Act ( FOIA ) for the disclosure of 135 documents relating to UFOs. The NSA defended its position by submitting a 21 page affidavit claiming Exemptions 1 & 3 of the FOIA. The affidavit was examined in-camera by a Judge Gesell who ruled in favor of the NSA. The in- camera affidavit was then itself classified.

In 1981 Judge Gesell's decision was appealed and upheld. In 1982 Gersten filed an 84 page petition in an effort to reduce the sweeping powers of the NSA to classify and consequently withhold UFO data. That petition also failed to succeed in either reducing the powers of the NSA or securing the release of UFO related documents.