Timothy Good
Timothy Good was born in England during 1942 and is best known to ufologists for his outstanding book Above Top Secret. He was introduced to ufology during the late 1950s when his interest in aviation and space led him to the work of Major Donald Keyhoe, the one time director of the National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomenon ( NICAP ). He has also been an active UFO investigator, lecturer and broadcaster.

Trained as a violinist at the Royal Academy of Music in London, Timothy Good began his professional musical career in 1963, touring Canada and the United States with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. He joined the London Symphony Orchestra in 1964, an association that lasted 14 years. Since the mid 1970s Good has worked as a freelance musician playing on film scores, commercial dates and pop music recordings including Paul McCartney, Sade, Phil Collins and others.